bboss.io is a team of experienced IT developers based in Kazan, Russia. We focus on integrated complex (full-stack) development of web services and mobile applications.
Bboss.io is a business unit of Fransh GS, which is a consulting company that specializes in implementing franchising and scaling up a business. Our company exists since 2004, and until 2020 we have been mainly engaged in the company’s internal projects and our Russian clients’ project development. There are several major Russian B2B websites, as well as CRM, ERP systems, and mobile applications in our portfolio.

The area of our expertise includes business analytics, business processes engineering, and creating IT solutions for business processes optimization, reducing their cost, and for lead generation. On top of that, we create the solutions that allow your business to foster customer loyalty, reduce the percentage of orders cancellation, and increase the average check by creating user-friendly and helpful web and mobile applications.
Our team of analysts is here for you if your business requires services related to machine learning and working with big data. Online analytics, reporting, the creation of self-learning systems - we are experienced in all these areas. The developed self-learning system is capable of evaluating data; mathematical modeling can make forecasts for the future development of situations and assess risks. A team of experienced developers can easily create a data storage system optimized for your requirements of availability, reliability, security, speed of adding, and extracting data.

We are ready to offer two options for cooperation:
Our company has a team of experienced UI/UX designers and web developers that are ready to serve your business goals at a competitive hourly rate.
Complex (full-stack) development and support of your projects.
Our Project Managers will immerse into your business, evaluate the range and the variety of tasks, and form a dedicated team of specialists that will work on your projects on an ongoing basis. In this case, you will get a precise work schedule with a stage-by-stage payment and will work with an experienced team crafted for your specific needs.
Our team has more than 30 experienced members who are ready to start executing their mission TODAY.
Send us your request, and we will contact you within 24 hours to discuss how we can contribute to your ongoing growth and success.